

  照片 姓名:梁珀華











   凡事正面思考, 必能走出一條人生的康莊大道

Liang, P. H., & Chen, C. Y. (2006). How do teachers integrate information technology into the early childhood curriculum: The reality, challenges, and roles teachers play in Taiwan. Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education.

Liang, P. H., & Wang, J. Y. (2006). The teacher’s role and perspectives toward information technology integrated curriculum for young children: The case in Taiwan. Proceedings of IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2006. (NSC 93-2520-S-324-001)

Liang, P. H. (2004). Computers in early childhood classrooms: Experiences of Three Kindergartens in Taiwan. World Conference on E-Learning in Corp., Govt., Health., & Higher Ed., Vol. 2004, Issue. 1, 2004, pp. 2385-2390. (NSC 89-2413-H-324-008)

Liang, P. H. & Johnson, J. (1999). Using technology to enhance early literacy through play. Computers in the Schools, 15(1), 55-64.【LLBA】(國科會八十七年度甲種研究獎勵)

Liang, P. H. & Johnson, J. (1999). Using technology to enhance early literacy through play. In Jay Blanchard (Ed.), Educational computing in the schools: Technology, communication, and literacy, (pp. 55-64). Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press.

Liang, P. H., & Lin, Y. J. (2006). A qualitative study of young children’s use of electronic books. Poster session presented at the NAEYC 2006 Annual Conference. Atlanta, USA..

Liang, P. H., & Chen, C. Y. (2006). How do teachers integrate information technology into the early childhood curriculum: The reality, challenges, and roles teachers play in Taiwan. Paper presented at the World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education. Hawaii, USA

Liang, P. H., & Wang, J. Y. (2006). The teacher’s role and perspectives toward information technology integrated curriculum for young children: The case in Taiwan. Paper presented at the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2006. Murcia, Spain. (NSC 93-2520-S-324-001)

梁珀華、鄭雅婷、曾慶媛 (2006)。幼兒期到成人期的遊戲記憶:以台灣為例。九十四學年度朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系嬰幼兒發展與保育學術研討會。朝陽科技大學。

梁珀華、王靖宜 (2006)。幼稚園教師資訊科技融入教學之參與式行動研究。朝陽科技大學人文暨社會學院九十四學年度學術研究成果發表會。朝陽科技大學。(NSC 93-2520-S-324-001)

Liang, P. H. (2005). Computers as play materials: A study of young children’s play with computers in Taiwan. Poster session presented at the NAEYC 2005 Annual Conference. Washington, D. C. USA.(NSC 91-2413-H-415-010)
梁珀華、王靖宜 (2005)。 我的教室有一部電腦: 幼稚園教師資訊科技融入教學之研究。九十三年度國科會「資訊教育」學門專題研究計畫成果討論會。台南大學。(NSC 93-2520-S-324-001)
梁珀華、王靖宜、崔峨嵋 (2005)。 幼兒與科技:資訊科技融入幼稚園主題教學之研究。朝陽科技大學幼兒保育系嬰幼兒發展與保育學術研討會。朝陽科技大學。

Liang, P. H. (2004). Computers in early childhood classrooms: Experiences of Three Kindergartens in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education of 2004 World Conference on E-Learning in Corp., Govt., Health., & Higher Ed. Washington, D. C. USA ( NSC 89-2413-H-324-008)


Liang, P. H. (1998). Playing with computers: Multiple correlates of young children's computer play behaviors. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Play 24th Annual Conference. St. Petersburg, FL.USA.

Liang, P. H. (1997). Home computer use and playfulness in the home. Paper presented at the Association for the Study of Play 23rd Annual Conference. Washington, D. C.USA.

梁珀華(2005)。我的教室有一部電腦: 幼稚園教師資訊科技融入教學之研究。國科會研究報告。(NSC 93-2520-S-324-001)
梁珀華(2003)。另一種玩具?:電腦在幼兒遊戲中之角色探究 (NSC 91-2413-H-415-010)。國科會研究報告。
梁珀華(2001)。幼稚園電腦教學模式之研究 (NSC 89-2411-H-324-008)。國科會研究報告。
鄭宗明、梁珀華(2001)。工程圖學創造力開發技法研究。(NSC 89-2519-S-324-001)。國科會研究報告。
梁珀華(2000)。全球網際網路英語學習網站之設計與研究 (NSC 88-2411-H-324-003)。國科會研究報告。
Liang, P. H. (1998). Playing with computers: Multiple correlates of young children's computer play behaviors. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.【美國賓州州立大學教育學院 1997 – 1998 年度博士論文獎 (Graduate Student Alumni Society Research Initiation Grant Award, The Pennsylvania State University, College of Education)】
Liang, P. H. (1995). The teacher's role and computer technology in early childhood education. Unpublished master's paper. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.

梁珀華等譯(2005)。 幼兒遊戲與發展理論。台北市:華騰。
梁珀華 (1998)。 幼兒與電腦: 淺談電腦在幼兒教育上的應用¸幼教資訊¸97(47-49).。
Liang, P. H. (1996). Position paper on why school must change. http://www.ed.psu.edu/insys/ESD/Need/PL_why.html.
Liang, P. H. (1996).Reaction to OBE. http://www.ed.psu.edu/insys/ESD/Issues/PHL OBE.html.
Liang, P. H.(1996). Reaction to “School Choice”. http://www.ed.psu.edu/insys/ESD/Choice/Papers/PHLChoice.html.

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